I ordered "FROM OUR HOME TO YOURS: A COLLECTION OF PHILLIES RECIPES" as a Christmas gift for my wife. Despite the fact that it belongs to her I somehow believe that I am going to be the one that actually uses it the most often. I might as well have purchased HER a cold air intake for MY 87 Grand National, but I digress...
Okay, so last night for dinner the wife unit and I looked through the Phillies cook book and decided on the Cole Hamels Tamale Pie. We decided on that particular recipe mostly because it did not have too many ingredients or steps and were feeling kind of lazy.
The tamale pie did not really take too long to prepare, probably about 10 minutes to get all of the ingredients together. Other than sticking it in the oven for an hour, browning the meat took longer than anything.
After mixing together the ingredients as required by Cole and his survivor wife, our casserole bowl full of tasty Mexican goodness went into the oven for an hour.
60 minutes later out comes the secret to Cole's MVP winning fastballs!
Don't let the looks fool you! While at first glance this may look like something that has already been eaten it is very tasty comfort food in every sense of the word!
I do have to add one disclaimer. The wife unit would not let me add the raisins as called for by Cole Hamels himself. According to her the thought of raisins in quasi-Mexican food just did not sound too good. I also forgot to add the chopped bell peppers. With that being said the dish was VERY tasty. In fact I had leftovers today for lunch and dinner, and there is enough left over for me to enjoy tomorrow evening when I return home from work.
The better half and I do not always share similar tastes when it comes to food but this is something we both agreed not only tasted good right out of the oven, but even the next day. It has been added to our list of recipes that we will choose to make again.
Aside from the fact the first recipe we made was tasty, proceeds from the cook book go to COVENANT HOUSE, which is a charity that helps support runaway and homeless youths. For more information on Covenant House please click below.